Sunday, February 24, 2019

A visit to Roi Namur

Wow, it's been awhile since my last post. I apologize for the huge delay, but it's just been a busy time. School has been in full swing, and then winter break arrived where I returned to Chicago for a few weeks. But that has already come and gone, and I've been back on island for a few months.

During the last few months, I got to take a trip up to the island of Roi-Namur. It's a smaller island where only about 100 or so people live and work. The main operations on the island involve radar, and so we took a tour of the island and some of the facilities. The trip there involved a smaller plane than I'd ever been on though, so that was... interesting. But ultimately a problem-free experience.

Interior of the plane

Right outside the airport on Roi

Roi Namur is also the site of a major battle against the Japanese, and some incredible WWII ruins. It was a quick battle, and US forces bombarded the heck out of the island in advance. But the Marines did land on the island and had a fierce fight to take every yard of land. The pieces of that battle still litter the island. Take a look...

After the Roi trip, life mostly settled down into pretty normal daily routines of school and island life. There was a big holiday celebration on island, but since it took place after dark - I don't really have any pictures to show for it. But there have been a few other neat events and excursions that I'll try to update on later. For now, it's back to work, as parent-teacher conferences are this week.

Here are a few additional random pictures to give a flavor of the last few months on island...

Remains of an old pier

An evening walk

Island police hanging out outside my building. Hiding perhaps?

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